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MPI @IMS 2015
MPI präsentiert seine Produkte auf dem IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium 2015 im Phoenix Convention Center, AZ, USA.
Vom 19. bis 21.05.2015 sind sie eingeladen, sich die halbautomatischen Wafer Prober und HF Probes am Messestand 1434 anzusehen.

The Future Starts Now
MPI Corporation announces its new Automated Engineering Probe System at IEEE MTT-S IMS 2015!
Measure the Difference
The TS2000-SE from MPI is the first ever 200mm automated engineering probe system on the market integrating innovative features specifically designed to reduce the cost of test:
- Automated single wafer loader
- Vertical controlled environment (VCE)
- Hot/cold wafer swaps at set temperatures
- Safety test management system
- Vibration and thermal control
These features are incorporated into the MPI ShielDEnvironment™ for ultra-low noise, very accurate and highly reliable DC/CV, RF and High Power measurements.
Feel the Difference
The system is controlled by the unique and revolutionary, multi-touch operation Software Suite named SENTIO™ - simple and intuitive operation saves significant training time, the Scroll, Zoom, Move commands mimic mobile devices and allows everyone to become an expert in just minutes. For RF applications there is no need to switch to another software platform – the MPI RF calibration software program QAlibria ™ is fully integrated – for ease of use by following a single operational concept methodology.
MPI Advanced Semiconductor Test Division offers complete Test Solutions based on a variety of engineering probe systems, RF probes from 26 to 110 GHz, and QAlibria™ - the unique RF calibration software. Major focus is on applications such as RF and mmW, Device Characterization for Modeling and process development, High Power, and many other complex applications.
Venue: Phoenix Convention Center, AZ, USA
Booth No. 1434