TS2000-IFE Series – THZ Selection

The MPI TS2000-IFE THZ-Selection is based on MPI’s most versatile 200 mm platform TS2000-IFE and converts it into a dedicated, RF, mmW, THZ and load-pull probe station, as first to market without compromising measurement directivity and accuracy at wide temperature ranges from -60°C to +300°C.

Automated testing of 200 mm wafers by:

  • Eliminating the need for additional S-band waveguides, especially in sub-THz or THz range,
  • Minimizing the signal path for load-pull applications and offering the widest tuning range and highest Gamma,
  • Easy and convenient operation while changing between frequency bands,

THZ-Selection incorporates MPI’s innovative design of frequency extender integration, developed initially for TS200-THZ, which hovers the extender over the entire 200 mm wafer.

For more details click here.


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